Sunday, December 17, 2006

A December Rose

The weather this fall has been very warm, as Ken and I have noted in previous posts on both blogs. Here's evidence:

One of our rose bushes bloomed this past week! A December rose. I think I need to get out there and prune the bushes back now.


  1. Lovely colour!

  2. I like the "Happy Holidays from our house to yours" and the picture. You are so creative! Liked the rose as well.

  3. Claude, merci. There are many roses of this color around the house - it's beautiful in the spring!

    Cheryl, I made that little portrait of our house to serve as an e-holiday card one year. Glad you liked it!

  4. J'adore la p'tite maison pas dans la prairie :-), j'aime aussi les mĂ©sanges et la rose semble surnaturelle en cette saison :-) Bises. Marie qui arrĂȘte les compliments, na ;-) !!!


Tell me what you think!