Friday, April 09, 2010

It's Closing In

The attic insulation work is progressing. And now that it's happening I feel like the attic is getting smaller. But it will all look great once the drywall is up and painted a light color.

View looking northeast.

They guys left a space for the first of two attic windows, but they didn't consult us about where we wanted them placed. It turns out that this one is not quite where we would have put it, but it's close enough so we won't make them re-do it. We need to be sure to tell them where we want the other one to be before they get over to that end of the attic.

View looking northwest.


  1. I hope you'll save the tiles they're going to remove to fit the VĂ©luxes [?], so you have spares in case strong wind remove some from the roof and break them as it did recently.

  2. Wow - it seems they have progresses quickly on your new room. The insulation really changes the look and feel. I think it will be great when its done.

  3. We do plan to ask the window installer to save all the tiles for us. Right now, we don't have any spares. After the windows are put in, we should have a good supply of extra tiles, for future emergencies.

  4. I'm surprised they didn't ask where you wanted the window.

  5. chm, yes, we will be saving all the tiles as replacements.

    diogenes, so do we. We can't wait!

    starman, we were surprised, too, but all's well that ends well!

  6. starman, we had told them approximately where the windows would go, but were not specific. I guess I just assumed that they'd ask when they got to that part. Another lesson in "never assume..."

  7. Attics are so cool, I wish Australian houses had them.

  8. I just hope the workmen don't scare away any ghosts. No attic is complete without one or two.

  9. evol, no attics down under?

    michael, I haven't seen any ghosts, but we did find some old photographs.


Tell me what you think!