Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Hey bud!

I've noticed a lot of the flowering trees and shrubs in the back garden have set their buds. It's making me look forward to spring, even though winter's just started. And it hasn't even been very cold yet. Still, a couple of hours of sunshine and a look at the buds does wonders.

A few buds on the flowering prunus tree. It doesn't bear fruit.

I've also been thinking about what to plant in the vegetable garden this year. I'll certainly do the standard tomatoes, eggplant, and green peppers. I'm also planning a larger winter squash crop and I want to have green beans (which I haven't planted in a few years). I'll probably have some leeks and some chard. There will likely be collard greens and some cucumbers. Turnips are a possibility, too. One thing we discussed is not putting corn in this time. That'll make room for some of the other stuff.


  1. Recommend "Crown Prince" for a winter squash... keeps until June the following year. Raw flesh freezes well, too. Turnips.... have you tried Virtue's Hammer? It is the only turnip I've ever grated raw into a salad, it is very creamy. It is called "NAVET des VERTUS MARTEAU" in France and Baumax sell it, amongst others, and it is quite common.

  2. Wonderful photo (but then I repeat myself). Is this some odd variety of flowering prunus that doesn't bear fruit or is it that your particular tree never has?

  3. Some of our daffs are already well above ground and you can see the buds...

  4. We are currently having our momentary cold spell with temps around 10ÂșC. Brrrr!!!

  5. Corn is so hard on the soil and so cheap to buy that I prefer to use the space for something else, though now that I think about it, I bet corn on the cob isn't that popular in France.
    Barb in Minnesota

  6. I was just thinking this morning that it won't be too many more weeks before we see some of these same sorts of buds. It's been a super mild winter so far. Although they are forecasting a cold end of January. But we will definitely have daffodils and crocus up by Feb. 1.


Tell me what you think!