Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Walking in the snow

Walking in the snow last week was a breeze. The ground hadn't yet frozen, so the snow didn't accumulate on the paved roads or in the dirt tracks through the vineyard. But the ground has since frozen (we haven't been above zero for about a week now) and Sunday's snow covered everything.

Looking west through the vineyards. Callie's looking east toward me.

Trudging through even a few inches of freshly fallen snow is more work than a leisurely walk. Still, it's good for me. Callie and I went out to the end of the vineyard road (the road in this picture) and back. When we got out to the end on Monday afternoon, a tractor with a plow passed us on the way to clear our road. He didn't plow the dirt road, but I was able to walk in his tire tracks back to the house.

After the road got plowed, another tractor came by with a sand spreader and gave the road a good coating of sand.


  1. Brrrr! Hope you've got your shoe-chains at the ready!

  2. Wow I'm impressed with the snow cleaning service you have. Here we've nothing. They haven't even cleared the D roads [to Azay-le-Ferron or Preuilly]. Just glad we have 4x4 option on the car.

  3. Cuddle up with those kids of yours (Callie and Bertie) and keep warm :)

  4. Did the bread lady make it to your house?

  5. Call me crazy if you must, but this cold wintery scene is one of my most favorites.

  6. Evelyn, no, no bread delivery today. No garbage pickup early this morning either. We are cut off. I decided not to try to take the car out.

  7. Walt,

    You haven't been "above zero for a week?" OMG! I'm getting my extra quilt out! You poor folks, I feel for you.

  8. Walt

    You have lost your touch on how to walk on frozen surfaces :-)

    Just joking - I went down on my b----- during the holidays when I got out of the car in a parking lot. Didn't pay attention and slipped on black ice - no injuries except my pride :-)

  9. This is so pretty when seen from the warmth of my 21ยบ apartment.

  10. Brrr. I feel guilty turning my heat up when I read 61 on the thermometer.
    Black ice can take one's pride away. And the black and blue later that's the reminder...
    Thank goodness you still have an internet connection.

    Mary in OR

  11. Looks great. It never snows in Sydney.

  12. raybeard, shoechains... what an interesting idea!

    n&a, it's nice to see our taxes in action!

    judy, Bertie has taken to sleeping on my stomach in the afternoons.

    evelyn, she didn't show.

    alewis, I like it, too. But it's darned cold!

    ron, we have two comforters and a wool blanket on the bed.

    t.b., I haven't fallen yet, but there's still time.

    starman, yes, the view is nice when you're not part of it! :)

    mary, we'd be very upset if we lost internet and electricity. Aaack!

    victor, that's probably a good thing!


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