This little restaurant in Le Grand-Pressigny looked very inviting. I saw whom I assumed to be the chef milling around behind the bar when I was taking the picture. He actually came out to see what I was doing, so I said,
"Bonjour! La lumière est très belle, n'est-ce pas?" (Hello, the light is very pretty, no?).
Chez Grand' Ma au Grand-Pressigny. The menu on the left is €17,50 and the one on the right is €20,50.
He smiled and went back in. It was way too early for him to have customers as most restaurants don't start their dinner service until around 7:30 or 8:00. He was getting things ready, I'm sure, as it was Saturday night. I wonder how full the place got? Here are the two menus:
Menu à 17,50€
Tarte fine de Ste. Maur et tomates fraîches, ou
Terrine de campagne maison et sa confiture d'oignons
Hampe de bœuf grillé, ou
Filet de lieu sauce au vin blanc
Assiette de fromages, ou
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Menu ã 20,50€
Terrine de chèvre et son cœur de tomates confites, ou
Tartare de saumon à l'huile vierge, ou
Salade frisée à la tourangelle et œuf poché
Cuisse de canard maigre cuisiné en confit, ou
Filet de sandre poché à la crème de safran, ou
Faux-filet grillé en Val de Loire
Assiette de fromages, ou