Saturday, October 27, 2012

A bakery/pastry shop

While I really liked the butcher's red-painted storefront, the purple on this boulangerie (bakery) in Le Grand-Pressigny is my favorite. Even if the shelves aren't as full as they might be, I am still tempted to step inside.

I think the teal-colored marks on the curb mean no parking, but stopping is allowed. Normally they'd be yellow.

The bakery makes a specialty called une Pressignoise (the small writing on the left-hand side). I don't know if it's a bread or a pastry, but I'm sure some of my readers who know this place could tell me.


  1. La Presignoise is both describing a type of sour-dough bread flute [visible just underneath the names of the proprietors], or as a small boule, and a 'death-by-chocolate' delight... you cannot call it a cake or a pastry... it is a pudding... from the base up: disc of light sponge; a very heavy, dark chocolate mouse with croustillant flakes [bits of broken up feuillette biscuits]; MORE dark chocolate mouse and the whole topped off with a dusting of cocoa powder... it is about 2" high and 3" in diameter and is very, very dangerous!!
    Hungry yet?
    The shelves look well emptied... their bread is good [but not for tartines... too many holes] and flies out of the shop...
    The tall cabinets on the left of the picture contain large pastries/cakes/throwing-pies.... including an eight part La Pressignoise. The display cabinet on the right is where the tartes au citron, the individual fruit tarts, and other pastries live... along with a pretty good selection of scrummy quiches....
    now tell me you're not drooling.

  2. "Si typic!". Looks like fall has finally arrived. 6 degrees (43 F) at noon. Brrrr!!!!!

  3. I know I am hungry just reading tim's descriptions! :)

  4. That's an eye-catching typeface they're using.

    Tim, "throwing pies"? I think I know what you mean but please elucidate. I gather you are a taxonomist from your description of the Pressignoise. It sounds so good.

    1. No... not a taxonomist... that's Susan. Lover of food, yes!
      A throwing pie is one that is used most often in slapstick, clown performance.... or by 'flanners' to public figures. Straight in the mush [face] in most cases

  5. Tim beat me to it !!
    But I'll have my six penneth anyway. A Pressignoise is both a local loaf, either a baguette or a round shape, and also a little chocolate dessert. Both are completely yummy. The bread is slightly darker and moister than the regular flues, great with cheese.......

  6. I meant flutes of course !!

    1. No Jean... Freudian slip... flues... there's enough holes to make a chimney!

      WV is "pancea 1285".... that shop's a panacea for any depression.

  7. "Throwing pies"?!?! 3ยบ isn't chilly, it's FREEZING!!

  8. Tim, you're supposed to cut the bread so that there's always crust on the bottom when you're going to put butter and jam on it. It's a tartine because it's like a tarte. That way, the holes in the crumb (white part) of the bread don't matter. It's not toast -- it's a tartine...

  9. I love the look of bakeries in Europe, so much classier than in Australia.


Tell me what you think!