Sunday, December 02, 2012

I got nothing

I haven't taken many photos lately and I'm running out! I'll have to get out with the camera again soon, weather permitting. Here's a blast from the past: it's an Eiffel Tower Christmas tree ornament that I've had for ten years or so, found in the Museum Shop at the San Francisco Palace of the Legion of Honor before we moved to France.

This photo is from 2006.

This year's tree is up and the ornament is there. I'll take some pictures of it soon.


  1. nice! how much do you decorate for the holiday?

  2. Hello...just dropping in to say hello. I'm impressed you have your tree up! We will probably put it up next week...but often keep it up very late! Happy holiday season...

  3. Love the new profile photo!

  4. I hope you get a chance to watch some college football games tomorrow. The SEC championship was a barn burner!
    Looking forward to seeing your new tree.

  5. Nice photo of yourself, looking thoughtful.

  6. Do you really have your tree up? Already?

    Maybe it's time for me to give up on the bah-humbug approach and go with the flow.

    I also like the new profile photo. Very you.

  7. Oh boy! I can't wait to see your tree this year. I'm curious what size you bought-- it seems like your real ones that I've seen in the past few years were moderate in size, non? :)

    We bought our Fraser Fir yesterday, and it stands proudly in the living room, awaiting decorations today! (I'm using an exclamation point to trick myself into thinking I'm excited about the work ahead *R*R*).


  8. anne marie, not too much. Sometimes we don't even put up a tree. I have started stringing lights up on the balcony railing.

    young, :)

    betty, nice to hear from you! Bonnes fĂȘtes to you all, too!

    sheila, thanks! My hair was too long in the other.

    evelyn, I didn't see it, but I did read about it.

    carolyn, thoughtful, eh? Hahahaha!

    jean, yes, but it's the earliest I've ever done it. It's only because it's artificial and we were anxious to see how it looks.

    judy, it's about 4.5 feet; not very tall.

    t.b., yup.

  9. I'm detecting a theme here. Stylish glass ornaments. This is beautiful. Ironic that it was purchased in San Francisco.


Tell me what you think!