Friday, April 05, 2013

Another chore done

I cleaned the refrigerator. This is only the second time I've taken everything out to clean the inside. The last time I did it was in 2009. The fridge will be ten years old in June. Does that make me bad? Oh, Martha Stewart does not live in this house! Please notice that there is no "before" photo.

All the shelves and bins came out for cleaning. Now it looks almost new again.

This is one of the many chores I've set up for myself to do while Ken is away. In addition to housework (vacuuming, dusting, doing laundry, etc.). So I feel good about getting this, at least, done. I want to wash windows, but I will wait for better weather.


  1. Cleaning out the fridge is a very satisfying job - once it's done, anyway!

  2. Now you can go shopping and re-fill it!
    It looks almost showroom...

  3. can you come over to MY house next, molly maid? I pay well and I could keep you busy for days! :)

  4. You've inspired me Walt - after I mow the lawns, renovate the bathroom, vaccum, I may just clean the fridge,

  5. I just had another look - that is just one impressive Kelvinator.

  6. Bravo! Did you do the freezer too? I mean the one downstairs. I'm just lounging around eating that box of bonbons I brought with me.

  7. Leave some chores for Ken when it is your turn to go back to the US! (lol)

  8. WOW. I think I remember when you posted about doing this the last time. It looks SOOOOOOOOO clean and bright and new! Well done!

  9. Good job! It sure looks brand new and sparkly clean.
    I always try to give my fridge a thorough clean at least every quarter.
    Doing these odd chores gives me a sense of accomplishment.
    Remember to pace yourself, don't try to do it all too soon, and leave some stuff back for Ken as well.

  10. Very good job! I have to do that to mine.

  11. Yes, Merry Maids would probably put you on a retainer, Walt! You probably only have to do that once every 2 years because you keep it so clean the rest of the time. My refrigerator has a mind of it's own and somehow gets dirty soooo quickly :-( even though I only clean it when I can't stand it any longer - hehehehe.

  12. It started raining here late yesterday afternoon and didn't stop until late this afternoon. And it's cold...17ยบ !!!!

  13. Walt,

    You just gave me a major guilt trip.

    Retired in Delaware

  14. Katie will do that for ya for 10 bucks plus air fare.

  15. Ugh... I've lived in my current apartment for 10 years and never done this. Now I'm feeling guilty.


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