Sunday, April 14, 2013

More chores

Now that the weather is improving I'm able to get on with my list of chores. I've got a ton of laundry (mostly bed clothes) that has backed up because I'm waiting to be able to hang it outdoors to dry. I did some on Friday night and it dried quickly on the line Saturday morning. I'll get a couple more loads done today.

A building on the Saint-Aignan riverfront with the church's towers rising up behind.

I got the cold frame assembled and out on the deck and put in my tomato, eggplant, cucumber, and marigold seeds. Another chore I've got is getting the lawnmower ready to go. The grass is growing fast with all the rain and the warming up. I need some motor oil.

There are also the living room windows and curtains to work on. I got the big sliding doors in the entry way washed one day last week when we were having alternating sun and showers.


  1. Wow, you washed those big glass doors! Hope the sun shines all week. I see that MeteoCiel predicts 25ÂșC for my return on Thursday (and I'll be wearing two coats!).

  2. Spring jobs. I never stop now until september

  3. It looks like spring is here with warm, clear weather. Finally!

  4. Finally it sounds like Spring weather has arrived in Saint-Aignon! T-shirt weather is a good thing!

  5. *groan* All that work....I need a nap!

  6. Leave some work for Ken...he's out gallivanting meeting long lost family members, while you're there sweating

  7. Keep on with your cleaning and window "shining"; just remember, "All work and no play..."

  8. I am still waiting for spring Walt. Hopefully, it will be here soon in Boston.

  9. I like the reflection you 'caught' in the arched window.
    When Ken returns, you two will be able to enjoy a spotless home!

  10. Walt,

    We're washing windows here too. Soon we will have the irrigation system turned on. That is the official start of the Busy Season. Then we go non-stop for the next five months at least. Always good to get back to working outside but at the end of the five months we're ready to take a break, especially at our age. Next year we're going to have to have help. Yes, we are that old now.

    RonRetired in Delaware


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