Thursday, November 28, 2013

The last gasp of fall

This morning the temperature has gotten down to freezing. It was predicted, so it's not a surprise. The leaves on the grape vines are turning brown and falling off. Some of the growers out back have already started their winter pruning. The trees are shedding their leaves as well.

This line of trees between two vineyard parcels marks a stream bed making its way down toward the river. The leaves are nearly gone.

Ken and I are preparing our traditional non-traditional Thanksgiving meal: roast leg of lamb with green beans. I don't know when we started doing lamb for turkey day, but it's been decades. It's a good thing to do in France as whole turkeys are not easy to come by this time of year. You can always find one for Christmas and New Year's, but Thanksgiving (which is not a French holiday) is too early.

Yesterday was a nice day with sun and temperatures around 8ÂșC (high 40sF). I got the grass cut, finally, for the last time this year. I also got a shrub trimmed and we brought the last of the potted plants inside for the winter. There are still some more yard chores to do, but they're not urgent and can be tackled whenever the weather cooperates.


  1. Walt...
    have you got an oven big enough for a French turkey?
    I was looking at the cuisse of one on offer in the SuperU yesterday...
    it was absolutely huge! And stonkingly expensive at 4€ something a kilo!!
    Ten and a half kilos!!
    That is heading rapidly for two stone of meat and bone...
    Cook the bird it was attached to and you'd still be eating turkey come Easter!!!
    Mind you, it looked wonderful, dark meat... full of flavour.
    And, how long would you need to cook it for??

  2. Frosty grey and autumn gold, a lovely colour combination.
    I hope you enjoy your lamb dinner!

  3. Another wonderful composition with subtle fall colors. Enjoy the lamb. We're going for the turkey... but in a restaurant with an American chef. Have a full day and a filling Thanksgiving dinner.

  4. Whrn I worked at TSYS in York, my colleagues from Orlando, Georgia, used to deep-fry whole turkeys for Thanksgiving in a brand-new dustbin for want of a big enough pan. I don't know where they got turkeys in November in England, but they went down very well. Those Thanksgiving dinners, Southern style, were truly memorable. Have a good one! P.

  5. I see Obama pardoned a Turky today - First I knew of this tradition was by an episode of West Wing. That's not a turkey joke as I prefer drumsticks.

  6. I think your tradition of serving lamb is a good one as turkey was not served at the first Thanksgiving meal. I doubt very much people would enjoy eating what was served at that first meal; too earthy and healthy!
    Enjoy the next 3 or 4 months of winter weather as I know Ken enjoys the 4 seasons. It was 76 F at the beach, here in the past few days. I am ready for colder weather myself.

  7. It so cold here that it feels like Christmas already! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Ken! I count your blogs amongst my blessings....

  8. Have a great "holiday". Robb will be spending it with his niece, while I stay home this year.

  9. My contribution to a potluck Thanksgiving today will be green beans as well. I always enjoyed West Wing (I prefer drumsticks, just like you, leon!).
    Thanks to Evelyn for her suggestion: I will count your blogs amongst my blessings, today, also!
    The grass in the forefront of your photo looks like it could be frosty? Nice coloring for the season.
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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