Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Across the valley

Here's a view toward the north from the vineyards out behind our house. This is a particularly high spot among the vines and you can see, when it's clear, right across the river valley to the other side. Look closely and you will see vineyards on the hillsides in the distance. Higher up on the river bank is the western end of la ForĂȘt de Gros Bois.

A relatively clear morning in the Cher Valley.

Yesterday, as I was writing my blog post, I decided that I would indeed go out and grab a couple of those electric pole insulators. I got dressed (it was cold) and got some tools and went out back only to find the guys loading the cross-bar with the insulators onto their truck to haul away. So I asked them if I could have a couple. The boss guy said sure because they would otherwise end up at the dump.

He used a big crescent wrench to detach two assemblies for me (like the five insulators seen in yesterday's photo). He was going to give me more, but I told him thanks, five was enough. Now I have to clean them up and see if I can get them apart.


  1. It looks like the woods are on fire with sunlight ! Wonderful shot. And congrats on scoring the insulators. I guess asking for permission in this case worked out to be the best solution.

  2. I have also collected insulators from the poles here in Australia.
    You photos BTW are magic, but I'm not sure if its your camera or your eye, I'll say its your eye and I'm sure your photos would be great regardless of camera.

  3. Ditto what Leon said. The eye!

  4. You really live in a beautiful area!

  5. Well done! If they have a hole all the way through the metal part they would make really interesting lights to go over a workbench/kitchen counter (for that industrial/quirky look!). By the way the ones I sold in UK didn’t make me loads of money! Lovely photos as usual, Debs

  6. Looking forward to a photo of what you use those insulators for- glad you have them.

  7. Bravo Walt - on both the insulators and the lovely photo! I agree it is the eye…not many people could see what you see, regardless of their camera.

  8. Good catch! I like the idea of using the insulators as lamps! I've seen quite a few of that idea on modern/techno blogs; even though that's not really my type of decor. But then, I'm always looking for new ideas.

    Definitely it takes a trained eye to see beauty in everyday scenes. Otherwise it would be just the photos that are so easy to pass over and yours are not easily passed over by this reader!

    Comfort food like you've undoubtedly already enjoyed is perfect for the weather we're about to get - once again. The polar freeze is on it's way to the pacific northwest once again... Your lasagne, a salad, wine would be perfect. Another menu locked and loaded! Merci, Walt!


Tell me what you think!