Thursday, January 08, 2015


When our friend Christine visited last October, we made an appetizer of escargots (snails) in garlic and parsley butter. There were too many snails for the three of us, so I stuffed a dozen shells with the extras and froze them. Yesterday, we took them out and baked them as part of our lunch.

Escargots in the shell with garlic- and parsley-flavored butter. You can buy these already made and frozen in the supermarket, but I made the butter and stuffed these myself. We already had the shells.

They were delicious. Just as tender and tasty as the day they were made. Well, the garlic and parsley butter provides most of the taste. The first couple of times we had snails, they came already prepared and frozen from the supermarket. They were very good, and we saved the shells to use again. The snails we ate yesterday (and in October) were canned, which is why we had so many. I think there were three dozen in the can and we only ate two dozen back in October. So now that I know that canned snails freeze well, I won't be worried about buying them in quantity again.


  1. I want to like them but I can't......perhaps first encounter as a drunk 14 year old didn't help.......however, the galette is something I can get behind, looks utterly delicious....... Happy new year!!

  2. Staying at a German friend's house some 30 years ago he naughtily served up snails one day though he knew I was veggie. After my initial horrific reaction, which amused him terribly, I thought that since he'd gone through the trouble the only polite thing I could do was to at least attempt them. But, my gorge wouldn't allow any more than, I think, three - despite they being only tiny things. OMG! Never again! Though I know they are very much to your taste I want to bring up just thinking about them. Yuk!

    1. Raybeard, you probably should have asked your friend just to give you some of the melted garlic-parsley butter to sop up with bread, without the snails. That you probably could have enjoyed. The snails themselves don't have any particular flavor, and if they are done right they are not rubbery. Inoffensive, in other words. The Larousse Gastronomique says snail flesh contains a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium, plus other minerals.

    2. I'm also NOT a lover of garlic, Ken (just to be ultra-finicky), though unlike les escargots, it's because I dislike its taste which, for me, so overwhelms everything else that I can't see the point of adding it to anything at all - and additionally I dislike the odour!
      As for the snails themselves it's not because of the taste, despite my "Yuk!" above, (which I can't recall anyway) but primarily the reason why I'm veggie, which I wouldn't wish to try to preach to others who would beg to differ.
      But thanks for taking the time and trouble to express your thoughts on my 'dilemma'. Much appreciated.

  3. Replies
    1. It was really good, Chris. We've prepared and eaten snails half a dozen times over the past year. Good every time.

  4. Since I first tasted escargots in France in the 70's, I have always liked them. As you say, it's all about the garlic butter. And who can forget when a naive Vivian (played by Julia Roberts in the film "Pretty Woman") launches the snail meat across the room? I must say my appetite for snails diminished after they invaded my garden,

    1. I can't see much difference between eating snails and eating clams or mussels. You are lucky if you have big fat snails in your garden. Trap them and purge them... then make some garlic butter!

  5. Sorry, just can't imagine eating snails.

  6. Oh, they were wonderful in October....mmmm....glad they were good the second time round! The gallate looks yummy!

    I will be missing our annual fĂȘte with my meetup Frencg group this year....


Tell me what you think!