Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Broccoli quiche

For lack of anything more interesting, I give you yesterday's lunch: broccoli quiche. I saw some beautiful broccoli at the store last week and couldn't resist. I cooked it, had some with lunch one day, and had more than half of it left over. It occurred to me that a quiche would be a good way to use it up, and it was. I threw together a crust, whipped up some eggs and cream, grated a little cheese, and voilĂ . Now I have a lot of left-over quiche.

I forgot to sauté a little onion for the quiche. That would have made it even better.

I ate a little less than a quarter of the quiche with green salad for lunch on Monday. Today I'll have it again, but this time with French fries, I think. Pour varier les plaisirs. Just to change it up a little bit.


  1. We are great fans of quiche as a way of enjoying leftovers of all kinds. Yours looks delicious. Quiche and fries.....what a way to cheer up a gloomy February day.

  2. I'm doing a broccoli and smoked herring 'parmentier' for dinner tonight. There must be a broccoli thing happening.

  3. Oh, that looks delicious. I love you cook types. Step by step instructions and then "VOILA!" That's one it all goes south for me.

    1. A real laugh, Mitchell! My Dad would always tell me as we were having difficulties with some woodworking project to always tell anyone that asked, "Oh - no problems at all! It was a piece of cake!" I couldn't help but think of the results some non-cooks might have with quiche!!!

      Mary in Oregon

  4. Quiche is a favorite around here. The thought of leftover leftovers made me smile, though we eat them all the time.

  5. Great change-up, Walt! That quiche really looks good. I've given up french fries, but not broccoli! It is in season annd very reasonable so I have been eating it daily!

    Mary in Oregon

  6. Oh, to be a cook type and just "throw together a crust"!

  7. Quiche freezes pretty well. Yours looks so yummy.

  8. jean, there are a million ways to do it, aren't there!

    susan, a broccoli happening! I can dig it!

    mitch and mary, as Julia Child used to say, never apologize for your cooking. Or, in mitch's case, your not cooking. ;)

    chris, so do we. :)

    mary, give up frites? I shudder to think it.

    bettyann, lol. You can always "unwrap" one!

    evelyn, I didn't think of that. Must try.


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