Thursday, June 06, 2019


This weekend is yet another holiday weekend. Le lundi de pentecĂ´te (Pentecost Monday) is a day off in France. Our neighbors across the road are planning a big party for the weekend. We have been warned (and invited). There will be overnight guests and campers (RVs) over there.

The barnum is set up in our neighbors' back yard.

They spent all of last weekend working in the yard, getting ready. And they put up this party tent called un barnum in French. As in Barnum & Bailey. The circus. As I mentioned, we're invited on Sunday because B. and M. will be there. We've known them since they so warmly welcomed us to the neighborhood sixteen years ago. They are the owners of the house but, because of their advancing age, they have stopped coming down regularly and have essentially given the place to their oldest daughter. She and her husband are now the ones mowing and trimming and making improvements. The house is a vacation home and not occupied year-round.

Wednesday's rain started collecting on the roof of the tent, making it sag. So Ken and I went over a couple of times to dump the water off by pushing up from the inside. We're such good neighbors.


  1. You ARE good neighbors. It would be the pits if they arrived to set up their party and the tent had collapsed or sprung a leak. Nice little party tent.

  2. Being neighbourly is how life should be. I find a lot of that in France.
    Sounds like it will be a good party.

  3. Public holiday here too on Monday, Queen's Birthday, except it isn't, but who cares. A public holiday.

  4. mitch, and today (Friday) is predicted to be very windy. But at least the neighbors are there, now, so we don't have to worry about their place as well as ours. I hate wind.

    jean, we'll see what the weekend weather brings!

    andrew, which queen?

    judy, :)


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