Monday, January 13, 2020

An island walk

On Sunday morning, I took Tasha for a walk around the island in the river at Saint-Aignan. We got out just at sunrise. I felt like I was mounting an expedition, getting bundled up (it was about 5ÂșC), putting the harness on Tasha, fitting my waist belt to attach the leash and a long lens for the camera, and the camera itself. When we arrived at the island, about a five minute drive from home, we were the only ones there. The streetlights were still on in town, as were the holiday lights. They all went off about five minutes after we got there, but I got this shot.

Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher at sunrise on Sunday morning.

Tasha was both excited and apprehensive. Since nobody was around, I let her off the leash pretty quickly. We didn't use it again. The river was full and water was moving swiftly under the bridge and over the spillway to the east. We walked around the park on the eastern (upstream) point of the island, then back around the public pool to the garden allotments on the western (downstream) end. The allotments looked like gardens do in winter. Many were quite overgrown, obviously not in use. I'll post a few more photos from our walk in the coming days.


  1. You live in a beautiful place. Tasha must have been ecstatic, a new adventure.

  2. I think the same thing. You live in a beautiful place. I bet Tasha really enjoyed this special walk.

  3. My thoughts, exactly, Mitchell!

  4. Nice picture again, especially with the street lights on! Did you take any this year of the holiday lights in Saint Aignan?

  5. Lovely picture, and I especially like the new and different point of view. I'll bet Tasha did, too.

  6. mitch, so do you! Tasha loves going anywhere in the car.

    thckethouse, she did, but she loved jumping into the car to go home even more!

    bettyann, :)

    elgee, no, unfortunately. I don't go out much after dark these days. Maybe next year. :)

    emm, thanks!

  7. You should frame this one! Having an off leash dog is so much fun.

  8. I'm just curious, does anyone ever fly fish or fish the river..... I certainly love the photographs always.

  9. evelyn, we've tried to give all our dogs a lot of off-leash time. It was hard in the city with Collette, but once we got to France she was free. Same with Callie and now Tasha. They love to run!

    tommy, yes, I see people fishing and fly fishing in the river every now and then.


Tell me what you think!