Thursday, November 05, 2020

On the ground

I've mentioned before that some of the vineyard parcels out back have been plowed to help eliminate weeds. When the plowing is done, I frequently see big clumps of dirt or mud that have been dropped in the roadway where the plow turned around. This is one such clump of dirt clinging to a weed that was uprooted. It fell on an old piece of asphalt that's part of the dirt road's surface (every year the town patches potholes with gravel and, sometimes, pieces of old roadways that have been removed for resurfacing). I thought it made an interesting photo. You be the judge.

Abstract art?

Our current chilly mornings are accompanied by heavy dew and, in places, light frost. I may have to get out the long johns for this morning's walk. I usually wear them when the temperature goes below 5ÂșC.


  1. Absolutely an interesting photo. You have such a great eye for colors and textures. Rained all night here. I'm about to go out for coffee and will stop along the way for wet photos. So exciting.

  2. As Mitchell said, lots of different textures make an interesting photo.

  3. The white stones have me thinking of a mosaic (natural one, of course) I can see a head (dirt clod = face, 2 black eyes and a nose/mouth with lots of straggly hair sticking out on top!

    Mary in Oregon


Tell me what you think!