Thursday, September 02, 2021

The (garden) party is over

Our 2021 vegetable garden is almost a memory. There are still zukes, kale, and chard growing (sort of). On Wednesday, I cut all the weeds down with the mower after piling up the pulled plants and some trimmings and tree branches (that were piled in the garden path). I'll get rid of those later.

Tasha "helps" with the garden cleanup.

The plot will have to be tilled up at some point and I'll probably have to mow it again before that happens. And, in accordance with the laws of the universe, the sun has been shining brightly over nice warm and dry days since I removed the soaker hose.


  1. THAT was a ton of work. Tasha must have been exhausted. Aug 31 and Sep 1 were our two most beautiful summer days in a month.

  2. The soaker hose seemed like a good idea at the time.

  3. mitch, our morning low today was around 18ยบ. That wasn't even the high most of the summer!

    evelyn, yes. We're rethinking it. lol


Tell me what you think!