Sunday, March 06, 2022

Looks like spring

But it still feels like winter. At least, winter here. We have no snow and haven't seen so much as a flurry this season. We had some days below zero a couple of months ago, but just barely. Tomorrow's predicted low is -2ÂșC in our area, but it will warm up to well above freezing during the day and probably not go below zero again all week.

Primrose and cyclamen blooming in the north forty, looking southwest across the back yard.

Spring is about two weeks away. Plum trees are blossoming all around us, as are the forsythia. And our annual primrose bloom is happening now. We also have a lot of purple cyclamen this year. I'm not sure why, but it may have something to do with the tree removal. There will probably be more freezes as the season ends. The grape growers have been suffering April freezes in recent years. The last frost danger, a few days known as les saints de glace, comes on May 11-13.


  1. I’ve been reading a lot lately about French lawns... filled with primrose and cyclamen instead of poisoned and weeded. You do France proud.

  2. It is pretty, things are starting to bloom here in DC, it is early

  3. I always enjoy your primroses. I like the view also.

  4. I bet your flowers will benefit from the removal of the trees. Such a beautiful scene!

  5. Our weather is still up and down here, too.

  6. mitch, I just try to keep it reasonably cut. When we moved in, the yard hadn't been cut for months and the weeds were waist high. That's a little too wild for me. But I never water it, just the potted plants and the veg garden.

    travel, seems that way this year.

    evelyn, the flowers are a welcome sight after a mostly gray winter.

    wilma, we'll see!

    judy, it's that "transitioning into spring" thing again!

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