Saturday, April 09, 2022

How green is my grass

The storm they named Diego (why does every low pressure system need a name?) came and went on Friday. It didn't seem as bad as they predicted, but that might just be because it was a day storm. Like I said, to me night storms seem worse. The past few days of rain have really made the grass grow. And it's so green.

One apple tree is full of blossoms, the other is just leaves. I'm ok with that.

We're expecting some warmer weather after the weekend. This morning it's a chilly 4ÂșC. When it warms up, the grass will grow even more. Time to mow again. In other news, I have tomato sprouts! And zucchini sprouts, too!


  1. Yes, it was fun seeing those seedlings on Ken's post!

  2. The new path looks really great.

  3. Your grass is spring green! So fresh looking. It is raining here today, the remnant of the cold front that swept down from the US. We don't have grass, but it sure perked up all the other plants.

  4. Apparently, the trend of naming every freaking storm that comes along drives click traffic on weather web sites, so we'd best get used to it. Bah, humbug.

  5. mitch, yes!!

    judy, I will do one soon, too.

    chm, it does! It'll be interesting to see how long I can keep it that way. ;)

    wilma, they do like that rain stuff!

    emm, get off my lawn! LOL


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