Monday, July 04, 2022


Our two apple trees are loaded with fruit this year. It's more than I've seen in several years. As the apples mature, they get bigger and heavier. Several of the trees' branches sag under the weight and some, like these, bend all the way to the ground.

Apple branches touching the ground.

After I took the photo, I went out with loppers and pruned the sagging branches back so I could get under the trees with the lawnmower. Then, of course, I had to pick up all the apples that fell to the ground. One of our house guests lent a hand and we made quick work of it.


  1. I think it might be fun to mow over the fallen apples but who can guess at the result of doing that.

  2. I don’t know why I always find these over-laden fruit trees to be so beautiful. Maybe it’s just the abundance of nature. I can’t remember. Do you make use of the fruit from your apple trees?

  3. Our old apple orchard on the family farm in Ohio had those old variety of trees that grew to 30 or 40 ft, in height and the same in width. They had been planted in the 1920's as were the pears and apricots. We used to us poles with forked ends lined with old harness leather to support the low hanging limbs. The trees had been cabled many years before as they were reaching the mature height. The cables helped to keep the trees from splitting apart from the weight of ice storms in winter or a bountiful crop as you are experiencing. The apples were never sprayed and their fruit was enormous and unblemished. We shared the harvest with the neighbors from all around. The ladders we used were gigantic and made just for that type of tree. We made everything apple there was to make. A favorite was an apple chutney. A great auntie came to America with the recipe and know how to make it. She was born and raised in Alsace. She also knew how to make a very potent apple liqueur that she used to flavor many dishes she prepared. A goose liver pate that she made contained bits of apple, black walnuts and the apple liqueur all raised on the farm. As the cables rusted through and the trees split apart I started a new business of selling apple wood for barbecuing and smoking. Your blogging brings back many memories of all things French that my aunts and uncles prepared in old cook house separate from the main house. I enjoy your blogs. I apologize for the rather wordy comment. I have been a lurker here for a long time but I don't think I ever commented before.

    1. Very interesting comment, Woody, et pour un coup d’essai, ce fut un coup de maĆ®tre, Corneille, Le Cid.

  4. Ah, always good to have a chore partner!

  5. Lovely memories Woody! Jocelyn

  6. I forget what you do with the apples?

  7. I see a lot of apple tarts, a lot of apple jelly, a lot of apple sauce and what else? Can you make apple cider and Calvados or Pommeau? Have you ever tried apple jam? I first tasted that in Seoul in 1988, interesting confiture de pomme, taste somewhat different from apple sauce.

  8. andrew, I don't have to guess. I've done it!

    mitch, yes, I make applesauce for the freezer and, if the apples look nice, apple tarts.

    woody, thanks for unveiling yourself and the comment. Wonderful that you had close relatives from France.

    judy, that's for sure!

    jocelyn, welcome!

    michael, applesauce (for the freezer) and tarts if the apples are good-lookin'.

    chm, I don't think we're allowed to make cider or anything else alcoholic. But I've heard of people who do.

  9. Lovely tarts! Father always called applesauce "hunglesuds" no one really knows why/where he got this word.


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