Sunday, October 23, 2022

Apple pile time

I hope this is the last time this season. The last time for clearing the ground of fallen apples. Yesterday I "raked" them all up into eight little piles. Today we'll load them into the wheelbarrow and dump them into the compost pile. Then I can cut the grass.

Looking out the den window. I count eight little piles. Can you see them all?

I cut the north forty yesterday afternoon (the apples are in the west forty). The sun was out and the grass was dry. I probably won't mow today because the grass may not be dry enough in the ten-to-noon window that we're allowed to use power tools (that make noise) on Sundays.


  1. It's a shame you can't do anything with all those apples - make compĂ´te and sell it on the market perhaps?!

    1. PS I read the title as "apple pie time" at first.

  2. Eight piles, that’s a lot of apples. For your back’s sake, I hope this is the last time you have to pick them up this year.

  3. Oops! That was me above.

  4. It's interesting that France still has the quiet hours rule :)

  5. We only got 4 pathetic apples on our tree this year. So disappointing.


  6. mitch, not so good a job at moving them. They're still out there.

    jean, I've made tarts and applesauce (for the freezer) with some. There are just so many!

    bettyann, I hope so. If not, there aren't that many left so it won't be as big a job.

    judy, I don't know about the whole country, but in our town it's the rule.

    sean, maybe next year! It's still a young tree.

  7. I think you are supposed to leave a few on the ground for the fairies or the deer or someone like them.


Tell me what you think!