Thursday, July 13, 2023

Bring me some figgy pudding

It could happen. Our fig tree is actually producing figs. And they're beginning to ripen. We'll probably eat these first figs now, but I'm thinking if we get a good crop, I could freeze them for use over the holidays. Foie gras goes really well with figs. And fig tarts are yummy. Then there's actual figgy pudding, the traditional Christmas pudding common in Britain.

Figs on our tree. At last!

It's quite chilly again this morning. We're in an up/down kind of temperature pattern. This afternoon is predicted to be nice, then downright hot tomorrow. But by Saturday it's supposed to be cold again. By the way, this is a big holiday weekend. Friday is la fĂȘte nationale, what we call Bastille Day in the US. Parades, fireworks, and all that. The Tour de France continues. Once Wimbledon is over (this weekend), I'll probably watch some of the race.


  1. So happy you’ve got some figs ripening. I’ve had half a dozen so far but the later crop looks more promising. We had a lot last year and did cook and jar some. They kept well in the fridge for several months. Fig tarte Tatin works well too.

  2. A great Tour this year.

  3. So exciting. I love figs. I hope you get lots of pleasure from the tree this year.

  4. Fig preserves for your holiday cheeseboard!

  5. I love figs! I don't see them very often at the grocery store though.

  6. Fig jam and Brie are a tasty combo as well! Yea for your fig tree and the figs!!! Those fig leaves look soo happy!

    1. They’re waiting to be worn on a painting or a statue!

  7. So happy for you about the figs. I wasn’t around yesterday so wanted to add that your tomatoes are looking fabulous!

  8. jane, I've tasted a couple and they're good, but not as sweet as I expected. They might need to ripen more.

    travel, I haven't seen much, yet.

    kiwi, that would be great!

    michael, that's too bad. I'll bet they have dried figs, but that's not the same thing.

    judy, :)

    mary, sounds good!

    bettyann, they've begun to turn red since I took the picture.

  9. Are they “white” or “blue”?


Tell me what you think!