Saturday, August 26, 2023

Gad-zukes, again!

Zucchini. The gift that keeps on giving. No sooner did we almost empty this basket of zucchini and get them into the dehydrator than it filled up again. Not pictured is the one that got so big it wouldn't even fit in the basket. That one's destined for the compost pile.

One of several baskets of summer squash from this year's garden.

I don't know what we'll do with all of these. We've certainly been eating a lot of zucchini, and there is a lot of it in the freezer. Even Tasha is eating some, mixed in with her wet food in the mornings.

It feels cold this morning. The thermometer reads about 13ÂșC. We're expecting a high in the low 20s, which will be very nice, not to mention comfortable. Still, blankets are back on the bed.


  1. Everyone I've known who's grown zucchini has always ended up with tons of extras that they would try to unload at work. Those are beauties.

  2. Walt, did you ever tried (shortly fried) zucchine-spaghetti? We have a kind of grinding mill and then you create a gorgeous (low-carb!)- spaghetti, on which we add a bit of black truffle...: mouth-watering...! Greetz from Perth!

  3. Oops, that was Jan from Perth...

  4. Try zucchini pie or fritters. I bet the fritters would freeze well too. Diane Kochilas has a lovely recipe with phyllo and feta. You can riff off that. Bonne chance!

  5. I gave up growing zukes but for one plant only which is quite enough of the stuff.


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