Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Just a day or so ago, I saw one of the owners of the vineyard parcels out back inspecting her vines. I think she was testing sugar levels, but I'm not sure. At any rate, when the growers are out walking among the vines at this time of year, you can bet they're beginning to plan for harvest.

Ripening grapes on the vine.

The skies were clear all night. I know, because I was out looking at the stars around midnight. And it was warm. We woke up to 21ÂșC this morning. Just a couple of weeks ago, that wasn't far from the days' high temperatures. Now our highs are approaching the mid 30s, and we're expecting to get into the upper 30s as the week goes on.

I made more sauce yesterday as planned and managed to squeeze it into the freezers (one is part of the refrigerator and the other is a free-standing unit in the utility room). What will I do with the next dozen or more toms that are ready to pick? I could make sauce and then reduce it into tomato paste. I could can it (or bottle it as the Brits say), but for that I'd need to get more jars. Bother.


  1. The colors of the grapes are so rich.

    The first time in my life I saw someone's actual canning (I was an adult), I wondered why they didn't call it jarring.

  2. Tomato sauce and be processed in a boiling water bath, it is hot work, but not hard. My grandmother would pressure can it (steam process.).

  3. Come winter you will be very happy you went to the effort to have canned/dried/pasted tomatoes!

  4. I love that photo of the grapes. Wine making fascinates me.

  5. Beautiful grapes!

  6. One of my friends has a 1-acre garden and they have a small plywood bookcase/contraption at the end of their driveway where they leave their extra vegies and a sign - Help yourself, and leave what you feel is a fair price in the bowl if you can. Thanks.

  7. mitch, at some point, someone made the switch from metal cans to glass jars. How jarring!

    travel, I've done that. It is a lot of work. And hot.

    sillygirl, true!

    michael, it is fun to watch the process from our little spot among the vines.

    bettyann, :)

    mary, good idea, and it's nice to share the bounty.


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