Saturday, May 11, 2024

May flowers (brought to you by April showers)

We're having a nice warm weekend and I've been thinking about flowers. It's time to plant the kitchen window boxes. Last year we put in geraniums and they were beautiful, probably the most successful geraniums we've had in a while. This year, however, we're thinking marigolds.

Pretty flowers on a window sill in Montrichard.

I'll probably get a few geraniums for the deck pots, and Ken suggested coleus for the north facing window boxes. I'd also like to get some basil and some other herbs that we like for pots here and there. The flower vendor in the market in the nearby town of Selles-sur-Cher always has attractive and healthy looking stuff to choose from. I'm planning to head over there on Thursday (it's a once-a-week market), provided it doesn't rain.


  1. That photo makes me want to get some pots for my office window sill.

  2. Our friends in Tennessee saw the Northern Lights last night. I had to turn our heat back on this morning which is strange for May. You never know about weather anymore.

    1. Evelyn, I heard about that! Friends of mine in Ohio were showing amaaaaazing photos, too. Then, a couple of my friends here in St. Louis, shared incredible photos of what they saw, right from their back yards! I ran outside and looked toward the northern sky, but nothing seemed much different to me. People kept saying that the best thing was to use your iPhone and take a photo, and it would come up beautifully in the photo, even if not really visible to the naked eye... didn't change for me, though.

      Walt, I'm looking forward to flower box photos!

  3. You always create beautiful window boxes. Looking forward to seeing this year’s.

  4. Mary in Oregon13 May, 2024 03:57

    I was half-heartingly looking for the Northern Lights on Friday night - no luck! But, I only have one northern window and I am basically in a forest! I really would have to drive down my hill and probably get out of the light pollution from the city! I just saw on Sunday night's news a map showing the line that dips from Seattle in a slight curve and then back up on the East Coast. My city is not on or above that line, so I will not be looking and I will be in bed!

  5. mitch, take pictures!

    evelyn, that's for sure. Our vegetable garden is not tilled up yet because of the rain we've had this month. I haven't even looked for the northern lights, but I haven't noticed them, either. I saw them once long ago from the window of an airliner.

    judy, maybe next weekend!

    bettyann, me too!

    mary, well, at least you know you won't be missing out!


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