Wednesday, May 01, 2024

There's a sign for that

Just before the testing of the driverless vineyard tractor on Monday, the crew set up a couple of signs. They said, essentially, "Driverless vehicle in use." The exclamation point is the French (European?) road sign for a warning that doesn't have its own sign: "Attention ahead!"

I think these signs should mean "Surprise!"

Today is May Day, la fĂȘte du travail (Labor Day) here in France. It's a major holiday and a day off for school kids and many others. As I mentioned yesterday, it's the first of a string of May holidays. I notice that the weather is predicted to be cool and wet all day. Again. Clearly, Spring has the day off, too.


  1. I love those exclamation point signs. Astounding that there’s actually a sign that says “Driverless vehicle in use.”

  2. A Brave New World for the vineyard!

  3. Hey! My French lessons are paying off I recognized the sign and the words you wrote !


Tell me what you think!