Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tasha Tuesday

Of course I took a couple of pictures of Tasha when we walked along the river in Montrichard last week. This one shows how happy she was to be out in a new place with new smells. She looks happy to me, anyway. You can see central Montrichard in the background.

A walk on the right bank of the Cher.

Well, glory be! The roofers showed up right on time yesterday morning. Once they started working, they realized that they needed a tool that they didn't bring. So one of them had to go to the hardware store while the other two waited. Not a great start. But, they eventually got under way. The valleys over the chien-assis (sitting dog, also dormer window) are rebuilt. Today the roof tiles will go back up. The underside of the deck has been power-washed. Today a filler and sealer will be applied before the first of two paint coats. I guess the final job will be to clean out and re-seal the rain gutters. This morning the guys are planning to show up around 08h00 to get a jump on the afternoon heat. Yeah, it's hot! And, more importantly, dry.


  1. My immediate thought was how happy Tasha looked. Look at that smile.

    Strangely, I found myself worrying yesterday that the roofers wouldn’t show up. I’m so glad they’ve made so much progress before the rains return. Lots going on!

  2. Hot and dry?! Are you sure you’re in France?

  3. Mary in Oregon26 June, 2024 04:57

    Definitely a smile on Tasha's face! I wonder if she would do a happy dance if you asked her???


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