Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Tasha Tuesday

In recent years, plowing between vine rows has become a preferred method of weed control in the vineyard parcels around us. Unfortunately for us, the practice makes walking between those rows unpleasant, even difficult and dangerous. There are a few parcels, however, where the growers mow the tall grasses that grow between the rows instead of plowing and the ground stays relatively level and pleasant to walk on. This is one of those parcels.

Tasha enjoys the grassy spaces between grape vine rows.

I don't know what makes a grower choose one method over the other. They're certainly not obliged to maintain a pleasant hiking environment for those of us who walk out there. I wonder if they would prefer us to stay on the roads and tractor paths and out of the vine rows altogether, although no one has ever said anything to us about that.

Tasha likes to walk between the vines. She finds it much more interesting than the rocky dirt road, and it's probably more comfortable for her little paw pads. So I'm happy that there are still a few places where we can do it.


  1. I’ve wondered if the growers mind people walking the rows. It sure is a beautiful place to walk.

  2. Beautiful capture of the various shades of green and, of course, Tasha too.

  3. Yes, yes, Betty Ann, I agree about the beautiful composition of the photo... as always, great shot, Walt!

  4. Mary in Oregon10 July, 2024 01:07

    Lucky for Tasha to be in a family who walks her in such beautiful and interesting places! We are having 41C here and I saw people carrying their dogs and walking them on the hot sidewalks at 8:30 am this morning. It was around 75 F at that point (not too hot). That dog in the woman's arms might have been a large puppy and just couldn't go any further? Or...other reasons. I worry about the dogs that the owners take them on the pavement for walks this afternoon in this heat.

  5. mitch, it is, even if our options have been narrowed over the last few years.

    bettyann, :)

    judy, I think the vineyards are very photogenic.

    mary, so hot! I remember taking drives in 2003 (the year of the great heat wave) just to sit in an air-conditioned space.


Tell me what you think!