Sunday, August 04, 2024

Another one

Here's another photo taken near where yesterday's picture was taken. I don't have much to say about it other than that. Oh, and it's from Spring 2006.

The dirt road is a vestige of an ancient Roman road.

I used the new weed eater to tame the wild patch out next to the driveway. I liked the wild patch, but it looks better trimmed up. I let it go wild years ago because it's difficult to mow; its rock border could easily destroy a lawnmower blade.


  1. Great photo. Wouldn’t you just love to do a dig on the Roman road?

  2. Hoping to see a photo of your results, after weed whacking!

  3. There’s probably a lot of history under that road.

  4. I instantly recognized this photo; it is one of my favorites of yours.


Tell me what you think!