Wednesday, August 28, 2024


We spent the morning of our first full day in the Dordogne in the city of Sarlat. It was market day and the center of town was bustling with activity. Foie gras is the signature food of the region, and it was on offer everywhere.

A book about foie gras with recipes taken through a restaurant window.

Today should be the hottest of the week. Predictions are for a high of 33ºC (91ºF) where we live.


  1. Sarlat is a very attractive town. Love the duck statues.

  2. We ate lots of fois gras when we were there. It was delicious. It's hot here, too- 100 yesterday but a dry heat which is strange for us. We've had no rain in August.

  3. 100°F here, too.
    Nice looking book... and lamp!


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