Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Things that make you go hmmm...

I don't know what this is, other than a vase of flowers. Given the photo's place in the overall order, I'm pretty sure I took it inside the cathedral of Saint-Sacerdos in Sarlat. Beyond that, I'm sure of nothing.

Maybe it's sitting on a tomb or some other kind of memorial?

We're thinking that the central heating may have a chance to come on this week. It kicks in when the indoor temperature gets below 18.5ºC (65ºF). This morning, it's 19.5º in the house.


  1. Walt, in the UK it is standard proceedure to have flowers in the churches.... "ladies" of the village usually do the arranging on a Saturday morning so that the church looks fresh and inviting for Saturday afternoon weddings.

  2. That does look like possibly a tomb, at least at the feet of a saint. Wherever it is, it’s a beautiful photo. We were actually at 20C outside overnight. Still, no heat in the house.

  3. Cool enough here in the DC burbs, for the heat to kick on last night.

  4. We've got our heat on after midnight, then the air during the day. Strange but good for creature comforts.

  5. Lovely flowers and lots of texture in this photo.


Tell me what you think!