Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Pizza (again!)

We had some leftover smoked chicken last weekend and one of my favorite pizzas is made with smoked chicken and bell peppers, so I made a couple for lunch on Monday. The pizza is inspired by one we used to get at Wolfgang Puck's wood-fired pizza place in Macy's Cellar at Union Square in San Francisco back in the '90s.

One of two pizzas we made and enjoyed for lunch on Monday.

I cubed the smoked chicken and used some frozen bell peppers to make this version. I also had some smoked Vermont cheddar that I brought back from my trip to New York a couple of weeks ago, so I grated that up for the pizza. A few black olives finished it off. And it was really tasty, if I do say so myself.

By the way, the bottle with the "Gallo" label is not wine, but olive oil from Portugal. I've never seen E & J Gallo wine in France.


  1. And once again I’m craving pizza... good pizza... Gourmet pizza.

  2. Delicious looking pizza! And that’s a super duper looking pizza cutter next to it. Is it called a pizza cutter or does it have an official name?

  3. Merci, BettyAnn, for drawing my attention to that pizza cutter! I am addicted to unusual and useful (?) kitchen tools!

    Walt - pizza is welcome here anyday, and homemade pizza with garden vegies is the best! I personally love to make a BBQ pizza similar to California Pizza Kitchen pizza!!!

  4. Oh dear, I think the dinner menu just got changed. Funny how a picture will do that.

  5. mitch, you must have an ample supply where you live?

    jan, :)

    bettyann, it's called The Ultimate Pizza Rocker Knife, by LamsonSharp. It was a gift many years ago, so I don't remember where it came from.

    mary, that sounds good. I haven't been to CPK in many moons!

    emm, I know what you mean!

    1. We’ve got one place that’s our favorite, Restaurante Primavera. Pizza like that and MagĂ­n yours to be. All fresh ingredients. Unusual combinations that actually work. The best crusts. Usually I just see the crust as something to hold together the good stuff. But their dough is a meal all its own.


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