Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Valley fog

The other day, while walking with Tasha among the vines, I saw some low fog down on the river. I had the 100mm macro lens on the camera, not a great lens for long shots. Still, I got this one and, with a little processing, I think it came out okay.

Our hamlet above the fogged-in Cher Valley. I think black and white gives the photo more mood.

We're going into another rainy period now, according to the forecasters. Still no freezing weather.


  1. Magnificent! Currently 23c and sunny here. I’m going for a walk on the beach.

  2. Cool photo!
    They're expecting something like 15 inches of snow in Chicago today -- nuts. We might get a dusting down here in St. Louis.

  3. mitch, oh, would I like some 23ยบ right now!

    judy, that's a lot of snow for this late in the season, isn't it?

    evelyn, :)

    bettyann, thanks!


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