Thursday, June 06, 2024

Baby grapes

The grapes are forming in the vineyards out back. Someone who knows better than I could tell you what variety of grape these are. The clue is in the shape of the leaves. And those who know also know what's planted where.

These could be flowers that aren't open yet. I've lost track. I'll let you know.

In the interest of reporting the good news as well as the bad, we're having decent weather. It's far from hot, but I was able to wear a t-shirt most of the day yesterday. It's not yet warm enough for shorts. We're getting caught up on certain outdoor chores. Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid (little by little, the bird builds its nest).


  1. So beautiful... the baby grapes or the flower buds. Are the groups possibly of the Boone’s Farm variety?


Tell me what you think!