Wednesday, June 05, 2024

The other artichokes

Our first artichoke plants are these two. They come back every year where we planted them beside the garden path. I think there were originally four (maybe five?), but these two are all that remain.

It looks like one plant, but it's actually two.

The mowing is done one more time, except for some detail work that I'll try to get to today. Meanwhile, I haven't heard from the landscaping guy at all. He was supposed to till up our vegetable garden plot, but he hasn't showed up. I wrote to him yesterday. I'm sure that, with all the rain we had in May, he's got a backlog of work to deal with. We may not have a garden this year.


  1. Another beautiful view. It looks like you’re able to do an excellent job with your new mower.

  2. I can almost feel the sunshine and warmth. So glad you have it.

  3. This is a lovely view :)
    I do hope Monsieur le landscapeur (ha!) responds quickly!

  4. mitch, I'm learning.

    betltyann, so are we!

    judy, it's going to be too late, soon.


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