Sunday, June 02, 2024

Tarte aux fraises

Our anniversary lunch yesterday was tasty! I ended up getting two good-sized fillets of aiglefin (haddock in the USA) and a bunch of white asparagus from the market. I prepared (white aparagus needs to be peeled) and steamed the spears and Ken cooked the fish on top of the stove with white wine. He made a lemon butter sauce with capers and served it on the fish and the asparagus. I didn't take any photos of that, but it was yummy!

Local Charlotte strawberries from the market on pastry cream.

We had a strawberry tart for dessert. Ken made the pastry cream; I made the crust and assembled the tart. I glazed the berries with home-made mirabelle plum jelly. Delicious!


  1. Congrats on 21 years, and YUM! I need to try making pastry cream.

  2. That tart is perfection. Happy Anniversary!

  3. jean, yes! :)

    mitch, ha!

    travel, thanks!

    evelyn, :)

    bettyann, merci!

    michael, ahhhh!


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