Monday, June 03, 2024

What a mess

We've let it get this far. But, this summer, we will have to deal with the ivy growing on the garde shed wall. The stuff is not easy to pull off. I read a couple of articles on line that say to cut the ivy at ground level, then pull it off the wall from the bottom up while it's still green. After that, you need to deal with what's left behind: those tenacious little tendrils that attach themselves in the nooks and crannies of the wall. It's not going to be a pleasant task.

Ivy growing up the garden shed wall.

We're looking at predictions of a decent weather week, warmer and drier than it has recently been. Time to cut the grass again! I'll get a photo of the new mower this week. I promise.


  1. We had to pull years of ivy off our guest cottage in San Diego. What a job. Good advice to pull from the bottom up and get it while it’s fresh. It’s feeling like summer here.

  2. we deal with a lot of's a pain and grows sooo fast

  3. Your tart yesterday was superb! I hope your weather is nice this week :)


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