The groomer did a fine job and complied with my request to lay off the heavy perfume she used last fall.
Last night before bed, I made some hot tea with honey and lemon. That felt good for a while, but my sinuses wouldn't let me get much rest into the night. I took an antihistamine and that helped a little. I finally settled down some time between 01h30 and 02h30 for a few hours of real sleep. Until Tasha wanted to go out at 05h30.
Tasha did fine at the groomer's. She's fluffy and clean again, at least for a little while. The knotted hair behind her ears is gone, and I've started my avowed daily regimen of brushing behind them. She wasn't in the mood to pose for photos yesterday afternoon. The one above is the best I got, but her paws are cut off at the bottom. Oh well.