It's hard to see from the deck because it's surrounded by leafy trees. And that's exactly why the carport's roof needs periodic cleaning. When those leaves fall, they accumulate on said roof. Optimally, the metal roof should be cleaned every year. Actually doing it is another story. I don't remember the last time. But the spirit moved me the other day and I got the ladder out and, with the help of some garden tools, scraped the years-thick layer of decomposing sticks and leaves off the roof. Then I got the hose out and rinsed it down. We're good for another year. Or ten.
On a completely unrelated note, I looked out the north window the other day and thought I saw a ghost. A black cat was prowling around (and at one point, chasing a squirrel). I immediately thought "it's Bert!" But no, that can't be. Obviously, one of the neighborhood cats has ventured into Bert's old hunting ground. He or she just happens to resemble our former mouser. Oh, and the squirrel got away. Yay!