Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday selfie

When I was taking photos of the geraniums on Friday, I took this picture through the new doors looking into the living/dining room. I'm still getting used to the doors. And I still need to wash them.

My hair is too long. Not to mention too gray. I'll get it cut soon. But I won't color it. I'm gray and I'm proud. ;)

Our contractor told us not to wash them right away. He said, that because they were covered in plastic when they were delivered, they still had a lot of static electricity that would just attract dirt. Best to leave them for a couple of days. I don't need much of an excuse not to wash windows. It's been more than a couple of days now.


  1. What a cool shot. I especially like you with the Eiffel Tower backbone. And I like the static electricity excuse... could it be applied to other undesirable chores !?

    1. stuart, yes, my spine is shaped like the Eiffel Tower. Explains so many things...

  2. That's a great photo!

    We bought a Karcher window washer last year. It's fantastic and well worth the investment. It cleans windows in no time at all and leaves them streak free.

    1. Hi Pauline, I will bring it next time we are chez nous.
      At the moment we have no idea when that will be.......groan.......

  3. That's a fantastic picture! There's a whole string of images in there all at the same time. Jean, can we borrow your window washer please? I'd like to see how it works for French windows that open inwards. P.

  4. nice! I am interested in the triangular cabinet to your right in the picture; history, what does one use it for, etc.

    PS - I am gray too, but vain; gottta box o color upstairs...

    1. anne marie, that's a chest of drawers that I found in a shop in San Francisco many moons ago. I believe it was made in Malaysia. It's become a catch-all for all manner of little things. It's one of my favorite pieces of furniture.

  5. Say it loud, I'm gray and I'm proud! Thanks, Stuart for seeing what Walt's backbone is made out of lol.

  6. I love the way the design in the rug mostly only shows up on your pants -- very cool textures.

    1. I noticed the design, Judy, but thanks for pointing out it was from the rug - I might have passed over it; now I really am enjoying this affect Walt created with this Selfie!

      Mary in OR


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