Monday, December 22, 2014

Miff muffins

When I was a kid, one of my younger siblings couldn't yet pronounce "English muffins" and would say something that sounded more like "miff muffins." So that's what they are always called in my mind. Ken and I made another batch a few days ago. It was an experiment with a different kind of flour and we forgot one ingredient altogether.

Miff muffins were common in our house growing up. In addition to toasting them for breakfast, we often made mini pizzas with the muffins serving as the crust. I loved those.

They turned out ok, but were a little more chewy that we would have liked. Oh well. They're still edible and we are not deterred.


  1. they look dee-lish! bet they taste good with butter or jam! LOVE the tree image!

  2. Yesterday's muffins were made with 2/3 oat flour and 1/3 wheat (pastry) flour. And it totally forgot to put in the egg that the recipe called for. Lucky for us the muffins are good anyway.

  3. How was the market? The muffins look perfect, but the egg might have helped the taste.

  4. Walt, did you ever eat those little flat, round, toastable corn muffins made by Thomas (the brand of English Muffins we always used to get)? These things! When we moved to St. Louis from New Jersey, we found that they didn't sell them here, and no one has heard of them.
    Corn Toast-R Cakes, by Thomas

  5. Wow! I love English muffins. Never had the homemade kind though. Looks delicious!

  6. anne marie, yes, they do!

    stuart, they're not bad, really. We'll do better next time.

    evelyn, good, not too crazy.

    judy, no, I never had those. But that's exactly what we plan to do next. One of the things we picked up yesterday was a supply of corn meal (we had run out!) at a fancy grocery up near Blois. It's hard to find, otherwise.

    gosia, :)

    ron, me, too. They're not very different from the Thomas' brand.


Tell me what you think!