Sunday, April 25, 2021


The tomato seedlings are up! This year I've planted only two varieties: roma and marmande. I thinned the seedlings down to one per pot before I took this photo. I will plant six romas and nine marmandes (there's one extra in case I lose one), significantly down from the number of tomato plants in previous years. The total number of plants has to be a multiple of three because I'm using my tripod stakes to support them.

The seedlings will enjoy the warmth of the green house for the next few weeks before going out into the garden plot.

I've also planted zucchini (in the round pots). One seed came up, the second has been eaten by something. I planted another seed yesterday to replace it. Not in the photo are pots of chard seeds that have yet to sprout (I just planted them yesterday). Once the garden plot is ready, I will also start planting beans. I have purple pole beans (same as last year), green beans, and yellow beans.


  1. None of these will be planted before May 15, I guess. After the saints de glace have passed.

  2. And you might even soon have spring. That greenhouse was a great idea.

  3. A great start to this year’s garden.

  4. Yes, yes, you were so smart to add on that greenhouse. If anyone would use it, you would :)

  5. There is nothing so exciting as seedlings. Each year I would see them sprout and feel as if I were watching fireworks.

  6. Planting all ready! Here in Idaho it still at night it could very well drop into it 30's
    Found your blog though Andrew of High Riser.
    If you have time stop in for a cup of coffee

  7. chm, correct!

    mitch, hope "springs" eternal!

    bettyann, I can almost see them growing.

    judy, it's worked out well.

    michael, exactly!

    peppylady, welcome! I'll stop by soon. :)


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