Wednesday, July 28, 2021

They look like aliens

But they're just wildflowers. These are several of the little wildflowers that grow in and around all the vineyards out back. They're easy to overlook, but when you do look, it's amazing how many and how varied they are.


I went outside with the dog before sunrise this morning and marveled at how beautiful it was. It felt just like fall. Ugh.


  1. All it takes is a closer look. Similarly, some family members in Colorado used to tell us how they hated to drive through the desert to visit us in San Diego. “Nothing but brown and dead.” We always thought they just weren’t looking closely enough... especially in spring.

    1. I have seen the desert blooming and it is something else!

  2. It’s all in the details, isn’t it? Fall?? Ugh is right!

  3. Feels like Fall here, too! It rains every afternoon.

  4. And...I feel like when I spent the summer in Palm Desert CA- another heat wave here - 101 F. expected on Friday. Ugh. When will Fall arrive ! (she said jokingly).


Tell me what you think!