Friday, May 17, 2024


I got a message from the tax people about my return. Uh-oh. It seems to be an automatically generated message The message is from a real person and he said there are a couple of boxes I didn't fill out that I should have. I think I did fill them out, but I will go back and double check, of course. I could have left a page before it saved (which is the most likely scenario). It's the only instance of the tax office's computer finding a glitch that I've had in the past twenty years or so. Either I'm really good (it is to laugh), or their software is getting better at spotting anomalies.

A decorative pruning job against a storage building wall.

So, after I figure that out, this weekend I'll be potting up the marigolds I got on Thursday. They're going into the kitchen window boxes. I also got a few geraniums for the deck and elsewhere and some herb seeds that need to be planted.


  1. Very frustrating about the tax submission. Hope it’s easy to resolve. I love the espalier on the wall and love the wall itself (except for the patch job dead center).

  2. Geraniums look so pretty on the deck :)

  3. It's easy to press a button too quickly when doing online stuff. My fingers could use some Ai lol.

  4. mitch, yeah, that patched door is unfortunate. But that's real life!

    judy, yes!

    evelyn, for sure! ;)


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