Sunday, June 30, 2024

Burger buns, sort of

These didn't rise quite the way I wanted them to, but they were delicious. And they held together when we sliced them and made barbecue (slow-cooked pulled turkey) and slaw sandwiches. Ken makes a kind of mock cole slaw with chopped iceberg lettuce (in the place of cabbage) dressed in a tangy sauce. Along side we ate black-eye peas with mixed vegetables.

Blurry photo of hamburger buns.

Next time, I'm going to try using my pizza dough recipe to make buns. That should be interesting.

The storms and rain predicted for overnight kind of fizzled. It's raining gently this morning, but we were spared the predicted deluge. Other regions weren't so lucky. Roof-wise, it's so far, so good. The external leaks we had (holes in the gutters) seem to be gone. In one spot, the patch is temporary. We'll probably ask the roofer for the permanent fix (replacing a section of gutter) in the fall.


  1. "Ken makes a kind of mock cole slaw with chopped iceberg lettuce (in the place of cabbage)"
    That's a nice idea... have lettuces that are bolting... not iceberg/Webbs, but still thisck and with crunchy stems!!

  2. Our local organic Italian restaurant makes organic, whole-grain pizza dough and that’s what they use for their bread for sandwiches, as well. SO good.

  3. Oooooh, pizza dough rolls would be soooo goood. Sounds like you and Ken had a good southern feast yesterday. Wonderful! I'm glad about the good results so far, on the leaks!

  4. Homemade certainly surpasses anything bought in a store, no?

  5. tim, have a good time!

    mitch, sounds delicious!

    judy, we actually had pizza for lunch on Sunday. Pizza dough buns are next on the list!

    michael, a lot of the time, yes!


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