Monday, July 15, 2024

The daisy patch

They're in full bloom now. These daisies were here when we moved in twenty-one years ago. They come up every spring and die back every fall. The only real maintenance I do is to cut the dead flower stalks down after the bloom. Sometimes I weed the plot and yes, there are brambles trying to invade. 

Part of the daisy patch.

Our neighborhood was full over the holiday weekend. Every house (there are nine in our hamlet) was occupied and many of those occupants included out of town family, house guests, and party goers (we were invited over the road for drinks and nibbles on Saturday evening). One of our neighbors rented the Air B&B two doors down for her overflow guests. There were a lot of people we've never seen before walking (some with dogs), cycling, or jogging past our house and out into the vineyard. Tasha had a bark fest. The weather was chilly, but mostly dry. Most of the people are gone again now, others will be leaving today.


  1. It must be fun to have all the activity BRIEFLY! The daisies are glorious. What a happy sight.

  2. I know Tasha enjoyed keeping things barked up! Those daisies are beautiful.

  3. Ha! I was going to say just what Mitchell said.


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