Friday, January 17, 2025

Back whence we came

How many times do you get to use the word "whence?" Ken and I made it to the top of the lighthouse (224 steps). We spent some time taking in the views from all directions (and recovering from the climb) before heading back down.

Looking east, toward the mainland. Chassiron lighthouse, Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

Our mornings are still below zero, but the highs seem to be getting a little higher each day. My blood work got done yesterday. Now I can log in and download the results. The woman who checked me in was puzzled as to why I was getting the blood type. All the other blood work is covered by the national health system and our supplemental insurance policy. But the blood type test, since is wasn't required for any medical reason, was on me. It cost 24 euros. I'll write it down on the vaccination record card that I keep in my wallet and also in a file on the computer.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Four and twenty blackbirds

The other day, I counted twenty merles (blackbirds) feeding under our apple trees. I wonder where the other four went. The birds were picking through the fallen fruit looking for small insects and worms, I assume. They can see us watching them. If we make a sudden movement, including opening the curtains, they scatter to the taller trees for a minute or two before resuming their meal. We're happy to have them, helping to break down the apples and helping to keep the population of bothersome little critters under control.

Many fewer than twenty blackbirds on this day. Seen with a telephoto lens from the den.

I've got an early appointment at the lab this morning for une prise de sang (blood work). It's the routine every-couple-of-years blood checkup. I've been fasting since yesterday afternoon, as instructed. I'm also going to learn my groupe sanguin (blood type). The lab will only tell you what it is if your doctor asks them to. So I asked the doctor to do that. I haven't known my blood type since I was a kid in school. Whatever it is, I forgot it long ago.

This is the actual distance from the window to the birds. No zoom.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Keep going!

Huff! Puff! Almost to the top!

Just so you know, I didn't snap this shot while climbing up.
Chassiron lighthouse, Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Up we go

Step by step! I'm sure I rested at some point during the ascent, but I don't remember how many times.

The stairs up. Also the stairs down. Pass at your own risk. Chassiron lighthouse, Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

This morning's low temperature is -3.4ºC (so far) according to our thermometer. As always, I'm assuming it's a couple degrees colder out in the vineyard. Our roof windows are frosted over. It's Ken's turn to walk Tasha this morning once it gets light out there.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Almost there

I'm not sure I would try to walk to the top of the lighthouse today. Maybe with several rest stops along the way I could do it. But I don't have to worry about that now. It's been done.

Le phare de Chassiron, Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

We're below zero this morning. In degrees Celsius, that means below freezing. The puddles might be frozen over when we head our for our morning walk.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Closer and closer

We walked from the parking lot to the lighthouse. We had decided to go to the top. Two hundred twenty four steps up to the top. Could we do it? We were with our friend Cheryl from California and she decided not to attempt the climb. Lucky for us, she offered to walk Callie around so Ken and I could give it a try.

Keep in mind, we were seventeen years younger than we are now. Up we went!
Chassiron lighthouse, Ile d'Oléron, May 2008.

Yesterday was a cold one. It got up to about 4ºC (about 39ºF) on the high side and down to just about freezing on the low.I had a fire in the wood stove most of the day. But it was dry. Some of those puddles are starting to drain away. This morning we're at freezing (0ºF) and the high is expected to be a little lower than yesterday. But we should have clear skies, and another two minutes of daylight.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Flaques d'eau

We had some snow yesterday. No accumulation, and it didn't last long, but it was pretty while it fell. It rained for most of the rest of the day. The dirt road that goes out through the vineyard is an obstacle course. The obstacles are flaques d'eau (puddles). Going off-road is no better. There are puddles in the grassy parts. Where there aren't puddles, the ground is soggy and squishy and muddy. Yuck.

Even though they drain well, the vineyard parcels out back take a while to handle all the rain we've had.

It's cold again, just above freezing. We're planning a hearty meal of couscous today. We have most of the ingredients on hand, but one of us may make a trip to the market for the rest. I'm hungry already.