Friday, July 26, 2024

Another machine

This one is not a vineyard machine. It belongs to a company that does terrassement (earthworks). The work they're doing now is a continuation of the filling of the ravine out by the walnut tree. I thought they were done until the other day when the guys started hauling more truckloads of dirt to the site. And this half bulldozer/half claw thing was brought in.

Good old Caterpillar. The green sticker is the terrassement company's logo.

The Olympics opening ceremony happens this evening. The weather forecast is not great, but it doesn't look all that bad, either. Time will tell. I don't know if we'll watch live or wait for the news channels to do their thing.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


I'm not sure what this is called. It looks like wild carrot, but I don't think it is. But it could be related. At any rate, it's pretty and there is a lot of it out among the grape vines.


The Olympic frenzy is ramping up. That's almost all that we'll see on tv for the next three weeks. Some events are already happening before the opening ceremony on Friday. I'm hoping for lots of nice pictures of Paris.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Grape leaves

Newly emerging leaves explore the air space above the grape vines out back. Their predecessors got too unruly and had to be shorn off. These, too, will likely meet the shearer as the season continues.

Grape vine tendrils and new leaves.

The rear-view mirror on our 24 year-old Peugeot fell off the other day. So Ken's dealing with getting it reattached. The car still runs fine. LOL. We're expecting delivery of a weed-eater (strimmer) this weekend. If it works as we hope it will, it will come in handy getting to some the places the riding mower can't.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tasha Tuesday

Over the last couple of weeks, and since our mini heat wave, we've been able to enjoy sitting out on the deck. Also, grilling. Tasha likes to snooze out there, but only if the window is open so she can listen to what's going on inside the house.

Tasha got up from her nap to see what I was up to.

It's cooler now, but not as chilly as it was before the heat wave. Another week or so and it will be August. Summer is fleeting. Even more so than usual this year, it seems. What's it feel like where you are?

Monday, July 22, 2024

Tiny daisies

Little wild daisies like these grow here and there among the grape vines. Also out there are wild carrot (Queen Ann's lace) and wild chicory. These, among others, are the summer wildflowers that are typical in our region.

A patch of little daisies.

There's a lot going on and off in this summer season. Bastille Day has come and gone. The Tour de France ended over the weekend. The Paris Olympics start up this coming weekend. Everyone's in vacation mode, it seems. The weather has calmed a bit and we all breathing a little easier.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The last one

This is the last of the vineyard fogger/sprayer photos. The Image of the Week is also from the machine, so that will be with us for a little while.

Another nozzle? I'm unsure.

Storms came through last night as predicted, but the all went around us. I saw some lightning and heard a little very distant thunder. I don't think it rained here at all. The next week is predicted to be very pleasant. Yay!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

More machinery and a mini heat wave

I'm not complaining. I am NOT complaining. It's hot outside. We reached around thirty degrees yesterday and are expecting pretty much the same today. Then comes la dégringolade. Temperatures are expected to plummet as we move into next week, with thunderstorms and rain in the forecast. When that happens, I will be complaining. Oh, it won't be as bad as all that. I hope.

Nozzles. Or aliens from outer space.

Here's the third in my series of photos of the grape vine sprayer that was parked out back for a couple of nights. I think these are some of the spray nozzles. Have a good weekend!