Saturday, August 10, 2024

Souffleur de verre

We stumbled upon a glass-blowing workshop as we made our way toward Sarlat and the house we had rented for a few days in the Dordogne. By the way, Ken figured out that the town with the overlook (the last few posts) is likely Carlux, or a place nearby. He mentioned it in one of his posts from back then about our trip.

The sign outside a glass-blowing workshop.

Yesterday turned out to be a nice day. I got my chores done and we headed over to the neighbors' place for a drink at noon. Drinks and appetizers turned into lunch, naturally, and we enjoyed grilled brochettes, which I think we might call skewers or kebabs, with chicken, scallops, chorizo, and bell peppers. Served along side was a big bowl of couscous, a favorite French pasta with origins in North Africa. It was a pleasant, and delicious, afternoon.


  1. What a nice afternoon you had!

  2. What a lovely day you had.

  3. Mary in Oregon11 August, 2024 02:19

    Nothing like an invitation for appetizers that just keeps getting better and better!


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