Friday, August 02, 2024

Wild chicory

This is, I believe, chicorée sauvage (wild chicory), a summertime favorite wildflower. It grows on the edges of the vineyard parcels out back, along with Queen Anne's lace and other perennial wildflowers.

The intense blue of wild chicory is a summer staple.

The temperature is going down (slightly) but the humidity is staying up. This is not the crushing humidity that I remember from places like Washington, DC, and other parts of the south and northeast. Still, we feel it and it's uncomfortable. It will pass before too long.


  1. Oh, how I remember D.C.’s humidity. Memories of the swamp it once was (and still is, I suppose). I love the color of the chicory against the aging wood.

  2. Ahhh, touches of color out in the wild :)

  3. Beautiful blue.


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